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"Using Self-Hypnosis for Stress Relief and Relaxation", February 19, 11:30 at the Clubhouse. Featuring NWC's Anita Danza
Board Meeting February 24, 1:00
The Chicago Black Renaissance--February 6, 95th Street Library, 1:00pm
Edith Head: The Woman Who Dressed Hollywood, February 20, 95th Street Library, 1:00 pm
11:30 lunch with NWC members at Panera Bread, 2775 Showplace Drive
GFWC Gateway Learning Series, February 5, 2025, 6pm
During Heart Health Awareness Month, Jude Mabone, Miss District of Columbia 2023 and GFWC Health and Wellness Honorary Chairman, recounts how her own health scare has brought her to work with the American Heart Association. She will share her life's journey and the importance of CPR/AED training.
GFWC Gateway Learning Series, February 11, 2025, 6pm
The Role Storytelling Plays in Advancing a Brand and Building Membership
Founder of Wild Woman Marketing and GFWC Communications Honorary Chairman Leslie Capps, explains how personal connections are the key to building membership. we will delve into how using your GFWC volunteer story as a marketing strategy will gain local recognition and increase membership numbers.
Solemn Oath Brewery "Vibes from the Heartland" release, February 15, setup 11:00am 12-3pm 1661 Quincy Ave.Ste 179, Naperville
GFWC IL 5th/6th District Winter Meeting, February 24, 2025, 6:30-8:30pm, Lisle library, 777 Front Street (Meeting Rooms A&B) 6:30 check in. 7:00 meeting.
Guest speaker. Discussion of important District & State updates.
GFWC IL LEADS (Leadership Education and Development Skills) Workshop, Saturday March 1, 2025. Registration begins at 7:30am. Meeting 8:00am-12:00pm. This is an interactive workshop focusing on inspiring members for leadership roles, handling club conflict, federation history. Held at Darien Park District 7301 Fairview Ave. All NWC members are encouraged to attend. A $20 fee will include continental breakfast and meeting materials.
GFWC 5th/6th District Bake Sale--March 14, VFW Naperville
More information to follow
2025 GFWC State Convention, April 24--April 25
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